Ripped from you-know-where and converted using you-know-what.
The epub should work with most readers that support it, including media server programs like [Komga]( and [Kavita](
**You can open the EPUB file using 7-Zip or WinRAR. If an image file name contains "kcc-", it is already in chronological order.**
**If the image file name contains "image_rsrc" and you want to convert it to JPG, use a tool like Calibre to convert the EPUB to PDF, then to ZIP. See guide below.**
*(Converting from EPUB directly to ZIP may result in pages being out of order.)*
*Conversion Guide -*
*日本語でのJPG形式への変換手順ガイドはこちら -*
Software recommendations/EPUBを対応するアプリ
PC/Mac - [Thorium](
iPhone - [Books](
Android - [Readera]( | [Google Play Books]( | [Mihon](
Contact me using the details in [pastebin]( if you're interested in:
- learning how to preserve the manga you purchased.
- trading/swapping recently released manga with NO WATERMARKS.
- creating your own manga server through Komga/Kavita.
- 購入した漫画を保存する方法を学ぶ
- 透かしなしの最新刊漫画の交換
- Komga/Kavita を使った自分専用の漫画サーバーの作成
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