## [wait a second, this isn't spicy wolf](https://discord.gg/tUyf3zw)

### Hey!
It's been a while, hasn't it? For various reasons, this episode has essentially been stalled at release since July 2023. Well, the roadblocks are mostly lifted, and there's been renewed interest in the project, so this episode is finally able to go out. The rest of Shikimori will come soon™. Parts of it are already underway, and we have most of the team back on board. Finishing Spice and Wolf is currently the main priority, but Shikimori 9 should be out sooner rather than later.
Thank you for waiting.
## Project Staff
| Role | Member |
| **Editing** | 9volt |
| **Typesetting** | matheousse |
| **Encoding** | Zastin |
| **Timing** | Olivo28 |
| **Karaoke** | 9volt, Zahuczky (OP), 9volt (ED) |
| **Song TL (OP)** | Neon |
| **Quality Control** | Asakura, Goethite |
| **Special Thanks** | gsk_, Flower |
_Find an issue with one of our releases? Report it in the Public QC channel on Discord!_
_9volt releases only support mpv. Other media players have not been tested and may result in playback issues._
File list
[9volt] Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san - 08 [503DEF1C].mkv (849.0 MiB)
Comments - 3