## **Info:**
#### **I managed to salvage this game from their now deleted Tumblr page. Luckily the mega.nz download was still up. There might still be more material that I haven't found yet since the Wayback Machine hasn't archived everything but it's better than nothing. Especially since the only other English translation I found was never completed, and is also now deleted.**
## **Url:** https://web.archive.org/web/20240824142724/https://dbs-scans.tumblr.com/snowwhite
### **Description:**
#### *Long ago, in a country named Engelland, there lived a beautiful — yet somewhat selfish and narcissistic — princess.*
#### *“Hey Esterio! Who’s the fairest of them all?”*
#### *“That would be you, Princess.”*
#### *The princess was the prettiest girl in all the kingdom, so she was adored by all…*
#### *…until one fateful day, when her father, the king, announced his remarriage. His new stepdaughter, Princess Nocsia, was much more beautiful than the other princess—both inside, and out.*
#### *“H-hey, Esterio… Who’s the fairest of them all…?”*
#### *“That would be…”*
#### *This is the story of a selfish princess and her servant, who is as honest as the reflection of a mirror.*
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