#### Your weekly Fantasy Isekai release from JNC has landed, glory to the saint of Ehrenfest ! May the princess escape Guillotine-sama.
Torrent by Prepub-Anon, espect our weekly release batch every weekend. I publish only the LN Prepub. For any Manga, find a way to rip it and we would include it. I won't be doing Nina either unless it expension in the near future's worth it.
[DDL 1ficher](https://1fichier.com/?h4u98rttf63k7ifnmr45 "DDL 1fichier")
Hello everynyaa. I litterally forgot last weekend to do it... yet again... I feel like a total deadbeat, so sorry about the lack of release. New Lineup has been added, i could not properly sort the rip automatically this time and i was too lazy to manually check it to split it properly. I guess I will be going to sleep. Have fun.
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