Turntable: Technics SL-QL15
Cartridge/Stylus: AT85EP Cartridge / ATN3472VL Stylus (6/75µm Vivid Line diamond tip)
Preamp: Digital using FabFilter Pro-Q 4, Natural Phase, IEC RIAA Curve
Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4th Gen @ 96kHz
Stylus cleaned with melamine sponge
Record cleaned with microfiber cloth
Captured with Adobe Audition 2025 at 96kHz/32-bit.
Channels balanced with histogram & WEB version as reference (+0.75dB on right channel).
Manually de-clicked in Audition, denoised by 16dB in iZotope RX 11.
Exported to Audacity as 96kHz/32-bit WAV, normalized to 0dBFS, split and exported as individual tracks @ FLAC Level 8.
Metadata added with mp3tag.
Notes: Slightly longer gaps than the WEB masters, extra length appended to previous track. Speed & pitch up versions seem to have speed and pitch independently adjusted.
This is the EU pressing version.
Ripped & scanned by deltailluminati from CMEN.
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