恋爱FLOPS / LOVE FLOPS / Renai Flops / 恋愛フロップス BDRip
Certain episodes contain commentary tracks.
这个项目与 **喵萌奶茶屋** 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in cooperation with **Nekomoe kissaten**. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
原盘画质一般,制作比较混乱,总体来说原生分辨率大约 900p。全片均有欠码问题,线条有蚊噪和振铃,还有一些锯齿,锐度也不足,不过第三集有大量接近 FHD 制作的分镜,锐度还可以。平面噪点不多,由于欠码,有较明显的色块问题,色带问题略好一点但暗场依旧深受其害。
1\. 大部分场景我们采取了常规处理,逆向拉升重构、抗锯齿、去振铃、去色带、补偿性锐化
2\. 第三集、第十一集、第十二集的 FHD 场景,我们仅进行了轻微的抗锯齿、去色带,然后是常规的去振铃和补偿性锐化
3\. OP、第六集和第十集有大量 FHD 素材(比如魔法少女能量条),我们进行了针对性的遮罩处理
4\. 第八集回忆杀有非常强的振铃,我们调大了去振铃的力度
5\. 第十二集高潮片段有大量特效,原盘本来就欠码,到这段画面基本全损,我们在常规处理外还使用了神经网络算法进行修复
6\. 各集的幕间转场,画质不错、细节丰富,我们只做了降噪处理
The image quality is average, but the production is a bit messy. The overall native resolution is around 900p. The whole series suffers from insufficient bit-rate, with DCT noise and ringing around lines, plus aliasing and blurring. EP3 features many FHD production scenes, which are sharp enough. There's not much noise, and due to the insufficient bit-rate, there are many color blocks and bands, though color bands are slightly fewer but still much in dark scenes.
Because of the chaotic production, we did scene-filtering:
1\. for most of the scenes, we took the routine processing: rescaling, AA, de-ringing, de-banding, compensatory sharpening;
2\. for the FHD scenes in EP3/11/12: only slight AA and de-ringing, plus routine de-banding and compensatory sharpening;
3\. for the OP, EP7/10, there is a large amount of FHD materials (e.g. Magical Girl Energy Strip), we did targeted masking;
4\. EP8 flash-back scenes have very strong ringing: we adjusted the strength of the de-ringing;
5\. EP12 climax scenes have tremendous VFXs, and with the insufficient bit-rate, the image is full of DCT actifacts: we used additional neural network algorithms for reconstruction;
6\. the eyecatchs are of good quality and rich in detail: we only did denoising.
After the above processing, we also did simple noise reconstruction to ensure the viewing experience.
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感谢所有参与制作者 / Thanks to our participating members:
总监 / Script: 井澤愛
压制 / Encode: 和泉沢愛生, アメリア・アーヴィング, イリーナ・イリューヒナ, 白夢華, カリン・イステル
整理 / Collate: ラブリン
发布 / Upload: 好乃・ファインマン
分流 / Seed: VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thank to all resource providers:
CDs: Ronny@U2, cl55213248@KF
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VCB-Studio 已不再保证收集作品相关 CD 和扫图资源,详情请参见 <https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331>。
Please refer to <https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331> for more information about that VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans.
本组(不)定期招募新成员。详情请参见 <https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986>。
Please refer to <https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986> about information of our (un)scheduled recruitment.
播放器教程索引: [VCB-Studio 播放器推荐](https://vcb-s.com/archives/16639)
中文字幕分享区: [Anime 分享论坛](https://bbs.acgrip.com/)
项目计划与列表: [VCB-Studio 项目列表](https://vcb-s.com/archives/138)
特殊格式与说明: [WebP 扫图说明](https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949)
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Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/202852.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/202852v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/316043.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/316043v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/417413.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/417413v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/509290.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/509290v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/615049.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/615049v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/621884.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/621884v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/731320.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/731320v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/829621.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/829621v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/830197.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/830197v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/900264.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/900264v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/1223660.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/1223660v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/1233176.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/10/01/1233176v.png)
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