[字][再]2016 Hideo Okuda's Suspense「Naomi to Kanako」後半 WEBDL-Cosmo

2025-01-08 00:59:47
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4.4 GiB
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>*_```If you found any PCDN client is downloading this file, please use the methods in the text to block them and avoid suffer any loss.``` Sorry, my net is not stable and as fast as before, so this upload will take some time, you can download it when the upload is finished if you don't want waiting, thanks for the understanding. Share to mystery fans. Please don’t use this file for online-watching website, thank you.(x264 FHD WEBDL with original CC - thanks to Jpsubbers.xyz)_* ```あらすじ``` **追い詰められ、立ち上がっていく二人の女性の生き様を軸に、様々な境遇の人間たちがぶつかり合う究極の人間ドラマ。虐げられた日常から勇気をもって踏み出すヒロインたちの姿は、窮屈な現代を生きる女性たちから多大な共感を呼ぶに違いない。泥沼の日常を抜け出して人生を取り戻すため、自分の身を自分で守るため、女たちは立ち上がる。あふれんばかりの女性たちの心情、現代社会に潜む人間の業を土台に、めくるめく展開の手に汗握る痛快エンターテインメントをお見逃しなく! 原作:奥田英朗「ナオミとカナコ」(幻冬舎刊)** ![alt text](https://i.fod.fujitv.co.jp/imf/synth/h=2160,a=0,u=1,l=(h=2160,a=0,u=0%2Fimg%2Fprogram%2F4743%2F4743_a.jpg),q=95,f=webp:auto/img/etc/0000_still_blur.jpg)

File list

  • [字][再]2016 Hideo Okuda's Suspense「Naomi to Kanako」後半 WEBDL-Cosmo
    • Thanks to Jpsubbers.xyz's CC. If you found any PCDN client is downloading this file, please use this text 's methods to avoid suffer loss.txt (7.9 KiB)
    • [字][再]2016 Hideo Okuda's Suspense「Naomi to Kanako」EP10 END 後悔してない!!絶対逃げ切るよ WEBDL-Cosmo.mkv (933.2 MiB)
    • [字][再]2016 Hideo Okuda's Suspense「Naomi to Kanako」EP6 お義姉さん、何かに気づいてる WEBDL-Cosmo.mkv (951.0 MiB)
    • [字][再]2016 Hideo Okuda's Suspense「Naomi to Kanako」EP7 どうして警察が だまされた女 WEBDL-Cosmo.mkv (943.2 MiB)
    • [字][再]2016 Hideo Okuda's Suspense「Naomi to Kanako」EP8 私がバカだった あなたとの共犯関係はもう終わりよ WEBDL-Cosmo.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [字][再]2016 Hideo Okuda's Suspense「Naomi to Kanako」EP9 あなたが死ねば、都合がいいの WEBDL-Cosmo.mkv (527.9 MiB)
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