A cute little short about animals on a clay planet making fun things. It's no holly jolly stuff, but Merry Christmas anyways!
Source notes: comes from an upload on [Bonbon Academy's YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlOH5RGRNXM) which compiles all eps alongside some live-action bits which aren't part of the show. Downside is that there's visual transitions into the episodes which cuts a tad into the OP; there's a [separate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_DoZeHK1PE) upload that's the anime only without this problem but it's capped at 720p and looks pretty bad so I coped with the awkward starts.
Aside: I originally watched this alongside a *bunch* of other [Kinder TV](https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/kinder/intro/) shorts. I've been aiming to watch all of the ones that are available, and would love to sub more someday. That said, if anyone happens to know where *Palette Island*, *Awajishima no Shichifukujin*, *Konu to Tanoshii Otomodachi*, or *Teikou Penguin* (TV) are, please do reach out - it's a long shot, I'm sure, but they don't seem to have streamed anywhere past their original broadcasts.
Okay, spiel over. Please enjoy! See you in the new year!
Raw Source: YouTube
Encoding / Subtitles: Seigyoku
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