All 43 episodes of Saint Tail as released before Tokyopop's DVD releases. The .avi/.asf files are 320x240 (1,14-43) and 352x240 (2-13) as encoded by various anonymous sources for the early internet, and the .mkv files are 720x480 as recorded by me from first-gen tapes direct from VKLL. 1-13 and my copies of 17-28 are by VKLL, and 14-43 are by Jimaku/Nautilus Subbing based on scripts by Group Hooseki. I've included some of Group Hooseki's raw untimed scripts as well, but they're very sloppy. Episodes 1-13 are missing all non-episode content, including openings, endings, and previews. Episodes 25-28 on my copies have poor audio with lots of buzzing. I tried my best to clean it up, but it's still not great. Episode 35 at 16m22s gets corrupted into an episode of Cardcaptor Sakura with very very bad audio, and is thus unfortunately incomplete. These translations are slightly better than Tokyopop/Discotek's subtitles, but still pretty bad. They just make translation errors in different places than Tokyopop did, and occasionally have some typos or grammatical issues. As such, they're mostly just interesting from a historical standpoint.
Speaking of Cardcaptor Sakura, I am still looking for any episodes past 43 as released before the R1US DVDs. I am happy to share all sources I have related to the show, but I really just want to complete the series without needing Anime Cartoon's terrible OCRs.

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