Episode 5 has a localised version and a TL-note version.
If you want the TL-note version, set your player to play the `enm` subtitle track.
**Translation**: KakoeiSbi (via YT comments) (all except 5, 6), garmadoncar (Witch Cult Translations) (5, 6)
I also referenced **translations of source material** when available: Jeremiah Bourque (Yen Press) ([1](https://yenpress.com/titles/9781975383282-re-starting-life-in-another-world-vol-16-light-novel)), Summary Anon ([1](https://witchculttranslation.com/2018/11/28/arc-5-chapter-3-to-each-their-perspective/)), Eminent Translations ([3](https://www.eminenttranslations.com/reader/rezero-side-content/volume-16/mimi-pearlbatons-bite-of-love-and-passion))
**Timing, Editing, ~~Encoding~~ FFmpeg operation**: me
**Translation Checking**: Senkel (Witch Cult Translations)
**Video source**: AT-X スカパー! CS2 (via [shincaps](https://nyaa.si/user/shin?f=0&c=0_0&q=re+zero+3rd+season+at-x))
Changes from weekly:
- Fixed some mistranslations in episode 1
- Fixed some dodgy lines in episodes 3, 4, 7
- Restyled 1-6 to the new thicker style
- Various minor tweaks
[xdelta patches here](https://files.catbox.moe/5jnd8e.zip)
If you have any feedback, please do leave it in the comments.
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